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HomeExamsSyllabus of Uttarakhand APO Exam

Syllabus of Uttarakhand APO Exam


Syllabus Uttarakhand Assistant Prosecuting Officer Examination

Plan of Examination
The Examination will be held in two stages
(A) Preliminary
(Screening)Examination(Objective Type)
(B) Main Examination:

Written Examination

Personality Test/ Interview
(A) Preliminary (Screening)Examination:
General Studies and Law
(B) Main Examination:
(1) Written Examination:
General Studies and General Hindi
Law-I (Criminal Law and Procedure with Police Act)
Law-II (EvidenceAct)
(2) Personality Test/Interview:
Maximum Marks – 50 (No MinimumQualifying Marks)
(1) Only those candidates shall be called for Personality Test /Interview, who obtained minimum qualifying marks as fixed by the commission in main written examination.
(2) The candidates have option to answer the questions in Hindi or English (Except the General Hindi question paper).
(3) Total marks for Main Examination will be 450.
Syllabusfor Preliminary Examination
There will be two papers in preliminary examination.
Paper-1:General Studies
(Time – 1½ hrs, M.M-100,Total number of questions 100)
in General Knowledge(Objective Type).
The paper on General Knowledge will include the following topics,
besides day to day happenings around India and the world. Candidates are expected to have general awareness about the following:
(a)General Science
(b)Current events: National and International
(c)History of India
(d) Indian National Movement and Indian Polity
(e) Geography and Indian Economy
(f) Art, Culture and Traditions of Uttarakhand
(g) Revenue Police System and general administrative set up in Uttarakhand
(h) Forest, Crops, Tribes, Mountains, Rivers of Uttarakhand.
Questions on General Science:
Will cover elementary Knowledge & understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experiences, basic laws of science,questions pertaining to environmental factors, natural resources, food crops, biosphere,human diseases, flora and fauna, national parks and wildlife of Uttarakhand will also beincluded.
Current events:
Day to day happenings in India and around the world, which will also include significant events including sports.
History Of India:
Emphasis should be on broad understanding of social, economic and political aspects of India.
Indian National Movement:
The candidate should be aware of the Freedom Movement,Growth of Nationalism and attainment of Independence.
Indian Polity (Post Independence):
Questions will test Knowledge of country’s political system including Panchayati Raj and Community Development.
Geography and Indian Economy:
Only general understanding of the subject will beexpected.
Culture and Traditions of Uttarakhand:
The candidate should be aware of the culture and traditions, especially of tribes of Uttarakhand Revenue Police and special administrative system of Uttarakhand:Power and functions of Patwaries, Kanoongos and Naib Tahsildars etc. Panchayati Rajsystem, Van-Panchayat System.
Candidates should be aware of types of forests, rotation of crops, cultural festivals, prominent holy places, glaciers and mountains, natural resources and calamities, rivers & lakes as well as prominent personalities of Uttarakhand.
Paper- II Law:
(Time – 1½ hrs, M.M- 100,Total no. of questions 100 law [Objective Type].
It will cover the following with the number of questions indicated as under
1. The Indian Penal Code (35)
2. The Indian Evidence Act (25)
3. The Code of Criminal Procedure (25)
4. The Uttarakhand Police Act, 2007 (15)
Total: 100
The Indian Penal Code, 1860:
i) General Exceptions
ii) Joint and Constructive Liability
iii) Abetment
iv) Criminal Conspiracy
v) Offences against Public Tranquility
vi) Offences against human body:
Culpable homicide and murder including causing death by negligence; hurt and grievous hurt; wrongful restraint and wrongful confinement; criminal force and assault; kidnapping and abduction.
vii) Offence against women:
sexual offences; offences relating to marriage, cruelty by husband or relatives of husband; insult to modesty of a woman and dowry death.
viii) Offences against property:
Theft, Extortion, Dacoity, Robbery, CriminalMisappropriation, Cheating, Mischief and Criminal Trespass.
ix) Attempts to commit offences.
The Indian Evidence Act:
i) Relevancy of facts: Definitions, Relevancy of facts,Admission& Confession,Dying Declaration, Opinion of third persons when relevant.
ii) Facts which need not be proved: Oral and documentary evidence, Exclusion of oral by documentary evidence, Public documents and presumption as to documents.
iii) Production and effect of evidence: Burden of proof, Estoppel, Witnesses including their examination.
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973:
Constitution, Powers and jurisdictions of Criminal Courts; Arrests, Power to compel appearance of persons and production of things; Maintenance of public order and public tranquility; Initiation and commencement of proceedings before Magistrate;Framing of charges; Trial of cases; Judgment; Evidence in enquiries and trials; Bail and Bonds; Reference, Revision and Appeal.
The Uttarakhand Police Act, 2007:
i) Powers, functions and duties of various police officers under the Act.
ii) Duties of Officer-In-Charge of police station regarding reports made at police stations; Investigation, Arrest, Bail and Custody and Execution of processes.
iii) Powers, functions and duties of Public Prosecutors and their sub-ordinates.
Syllabus for Main Examination
Paper- I General Knowledge:
(Times: 3 Hrs M.M. 100 Marks)
The following topics will be included:
General Science-
Will cover elementary knowledge & understanding of science including matters of every day observation and experiences, basic laws of science, Conventional and non conventional energy resources, human diseases: source and type of diseases, communicable &non communicable diseases prevention and control measures of born diseases such as AIDS,TB, Jaundice, Typhoid etc.Natural Resources: Water, Soil Minerals, Flora, Fauna, Farming systems in Uttarakhand and other Natural and Energy resources of the State.
Global warming, Green house effect, Natural disasters,Pollution, Wild life sanctuaries in Uttarakhand and Different environmental movements in the Uttarakhand state(such as Chipko, Nadi Bachao Andolan etc.)
Current Events:
National and International, including sports.
History Of India & Indian National Movement:
Indus valley civilization, Vedic Age,Ashoka, Harsh Vardhan, Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Period, Entry of European powers, Revolt of1857, Establishment of Indian National congress, Non-co-operation Movement, Civil disobedience movement Quit India Movement, Indian Independence, Role of Uttarakhand in Freedom Struggle, Cultural History of Uttarakhand, Fairs, Festivals, Religious Practices, Holy places and shrines.
Rotation and revolution of the earth, mountains and rivers, Climate and vegetation zones of the world, relief and drainage systems, climate, vegetation and irrigation systems of India, including major irrigation projects.
India Polity
Post Independence Integration of princely states, reorganization of states, regional aspirations and formation of new states (With special reference to Uttarakhand)Framing of the Constitution of India, aims and objectives, democracy, socialism,Secularism and National integration.Main features of the constitution: Organs of government and their functioning; governance at the centre, state and local levels (including tribal, panchayat patwari system and van panchayat); Centre-state relations; Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles of state policy.Functioning of Indian Democracy: Universal Adult Franchise, Public Opinion,Elections, Political parties and Pressure groups (with reference to Uttarakhand).
Indian Economy:
Basic features of Indian economy, population, agriculture and allied activities, industry, Infrastructure, Financial sector, labor and employment, Economic planning and Economic reforms since 1991, W.T.O. Development of I.T., Ayurved,Tourism and Vipran in the Uttarakhand.
New development schemes of the State
Basic Knowledge of computer and its application and cyber Crimes.
Paper-II General Hindi:
Paper III (Law-I):
Law-I (Criminal Law and Procedure with police Act) (Times: 3 Hrs Max Marks : 100)
The syllabus of this paper shall be divided in three parts viz, Part ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’as demarcated below.
Ten questions in all shall be set, out of which the first question [Consisting of five sub-questions to be selected from the entire syllabus and requiring short answers]shall be compulsory.
Each such short-answer type question shall carry 4 marks and will be answered in about 100 words. Of the remaining nine questions, three questions from each part shall be set.
The candidate shall be required to attempt at least one question from each part, namely Part ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ All questions shall carry equal marks i.e. 20 Marks each. In all five questions are to be attempted.
Part- A:
The Indian penal Code, 1860 :
i) General Exceptions
ii) Joint and Constructive Liability
iii) Abetment.
iv) Criminal Conspiracy
v) Offences against Public tranquility
vi) Offences against human body: culpable homicide and murder including causing death by negligence; Hurt and grievous hurt; Wrongful restraint and Wrong ful confinement; Criminal force and assault; Kidnapping and Abduction.
vii) Offence against Women:
Sexual offences; Offences relating to marriage, Cruelty by husband or relatives of husband; insult to modesty of a woman and Dowry death.
viii) Offences against Property:
Theft, Extortion, Dacoity, Robbery, Criminal misappropriation, cheating, Mischief and Criminal Trespass.
ix) Attempts to commit offences.
Part- B
Criminal Procedure code,1973
Constitution, powers and jurisdictions of criminal courts; arrests, power to compel appearance of persons and production of things; Maintenance of public order and public tranquility; Initiation and commencement of proceeding before Magistrate; Framing ofcharges; Trial of cases; Judgment; Evidence in enquiries and trials; Bail and Bonds; Reference,Revision and Appeal.
Part- C
The Uttarakhand Police Act, 2007
i) Powers, functions and duties of various police officers under the Police Act.
ii) Duties of Officer-In-Charge of Police Station regarding reports made at police stations; Investigation, Arrest, Bail and Custody and Execution of processes.
iii) Powers, functions and duties of Public Prosecutors and their sub-ordinates.
Paper- IV (Law Paper-II):
Evidence Act(Times: 3 Hrs Max Marks : 100)
The syllabus of this paper shall be divided in three parts viz, Part ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ as demarcated below.
Ten questions in all shall be set, out of which the first question [Consisting of five sub questionsto be selected from the entire syllabus and requiring short answers] shall becompulsory.
Each such short-answer type question shall carry 4 marks and will be answered in about 100 words.Of the remaining nine questions, three questions from each part shall be set.
The candidate shall be required to attempt at least one question from each part, namely Part‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’All questions shall carry equal marks i.e. 20 Marks each. In all five questions are to be attempted.
Part ‘A’:
Relevancy of facts: Definitions, Relevancy of facts, Admission & Confession,Dying Declaration, Opinion of third persons when relevant.
Part ‘B’:
Facts which need not be proved: Oral and documentary evidence, Exclusionof oral by documentary evidence, Public documents and presumptions as to documents.
Part ‘C’:
Production and effect of Evidence: Burden of proof, Estoppel, Witnessesincluding their examination.

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