HomeExamsSyllabus of M P Judicial Services Exam

Syllabus of M P Judicial Services Exam

Exam Pattern of M P Civil Judge

The exam will be in three stage.

  • Online Preliminary Exam
  • Mains (written) exam
  • Interview

Pattern of Online Preliminary Exam.

The pattern of preliminary exam is objective in the form of 150 multiple choice questions of 150 marks.

Time prescribed for exam is 120 minutes (Two Hours). There shall be no Negative Marking. The marks obtained in preliminary examination will not be added in final merit.

Pattern of (mains) written exam.

The main examination will be in the form
written exam. There are four papers prescribed for main exam. Each paper Will be of 100 marks. Duration of each paper is three hours.

Syllabus of online preliminary exam

The detail syllabus of online preliminary exam with the prescribed marks is as follows.

  1. Constitution of India. – 10 marks
  2. The Civil Procedure Code 1908. – 15 marks.
  3. The Transfer of Property Act 1882 -7 marks.
  4. The Indian Contract Act,1872.- 08 marks.
  5. The Specific Relief Act, 1963 –  06 marks.
  6. The Limitation Act , 1963 – 04 marks.
  7. The M P Accomodation Control Act, 1961 -05 marks.
  8. The M P Land Revenue Code, 1959. – 05 marks. 
  9. The Indian Evidence Act. 1872 – 15 marks
  10. The Indian Penal Code, 1860. – 15 marks.
  11. The Code of Criminal Procedure,1973. –  15 marks.
  12. The Negotiable Instruments Acts. 1881 – 05 marks. 
  13. General Knowledge – 20 marks.
  14. Computer Knowledge – 10 marks.
  15. English Knowledge. -. 10 marks.

Syllabus of main examination

The mains examination has been categorised in 4 papers. There are 400 marks for four papers . Each paper is of 100 marks.

Paper I . Marks- 100. Duration -3 hours

The syllabus of first paper is as follows-

  1. Constitution of India
  2. The Civil Procedure Code,1908
  3. The Transfer of Property Act,1882
  4. The Indian Contract Act,1872
  5. The Specific Relief Act,1963 [chapter. I ,II and VI to VIII ]
  6. The Limitation Act,1963 [ Part I and II ]

Paper II. Marks 100, Duration 3 hrs

Syllabus of paper II  is as follows –

  1. Essay on social topics.  –              30 marks.
  2. Essay on legal topics.    –              20 marks.
  3. Precis writing. –                             20 marks.
  4. Translation English to Hindi. –   15 marks.
  5. Translation Hindi to English  -.  15 marks.

Paper III. 100 Marks, Duration, 3 hrs

The details of paper III is as follows –

  1. The M P Accomodation Control Act, 1961
  2. The M P Land Revenue Code,1959.
  3. The Indian Evidence Act,1872.
  4. The Indian Penal Code,1860
  5. The Code of Criminal Procedure,1973
  6. The Negotiable Instruments Acts,1881[ Sections 138 to 147 ] 

Paper IV. Marks 100, Duration 3 hrs

The detail syllabus of fourth paper is as follows.

  1. Settlement of issues. – 10 marks.
  2. Framing of charges.  – 10 marks.
  3. Judgement/ Order writting civil (CJ-II)  -40 marks.
  4. Judgement/Order writting criminal (JMFC)- 40 marks.

The above stated four papers will be in both  English and Hindi languages, candidates has to answer in  any one language.

Interview . 50 marks

Candidates qualifying mains exam will be called for interview.

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