HomeExamsSyllabus of Himachal Pradesh Civil Judge (Junior Division) Examination

Syllabus of Himachal Pradesh Civil Judge (Junior Division) Examination

Himachal Pradesh Civil Judge (Junior Division) Examination

It is a three-stage examination: –

(A) Preliminary Examination (Objective Type)
(B) Mains Examination (Written Type)
(C) Personality Test (Interview)

(A) Preliminary Examination.

The preliminary examination shall be an objective type examination consisting of the following three papers of 100 Marks each:

• Civil Law-I
• Civil Law-II
• Criminal Law

Each paper shall be of one-hour duration and the examination on all the three papers shall be held on the same day. The syllabus for the preliminary examination shall be the same as provided for Paper-I to III for the Main examination.

(B) Main (Narrative) Examination

Main Examination will be consisting of 05 papers as follows:

PAPER-I Civil Law-I (200 Marks)
PAPER-II Civil Law-II (200 Marks)
PAPER-III Criminal Law (200 Marks)
PAPER-IV English Composition (150 Marks)
PAPER-V Language (Hindi) (100 Marks)

Minimum Qualifying Marks:

(i) No candidate shall be credited with any marks in any paper unless he obtains at least 45 percent marks in that paper, except Hindi language paper (paper-V) in which candidate should obtain at least 33 percent marks.

(ii) No candidate shall be considered to have qualified for the written test unless he obtains 50 percent marks in aggregate in all papers and at least 33 percent marks in language paper i.e. Hindi in Devanagari script.

Syllabus for main(narrative) examination will be as follows.

Paper-I (Civil Law-I)

• Code of Civil Procedure
• Indian Evidence Act
• Indian Stamp Act
• Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976
• Specific Relief Act.

Paper-II. (Civil Law-II)

• Indian Contract Act
• Hindu Law
• Indian Limitation Act
• Transfer of Property Act
• H.P. Urban Rent Control Act.

Paper-III. (Criminal Law)

• Indian Penal Code
• Criminal Procedure Code
• Chapter-XVII (section 138 to 143) of the Negotiable Instruments Act
• Punjab Excise Act as Applicable to the State of H.P.
• Wild Life Protection Act
• Indian Forest Act.

Paper-IV. (English Composition)

• Essay (100 Marks)
• Translation of Hindi Passage into English (50 Marks)
(The standard for the English paper shall be that of graduation examination of Himachal Pradesh University.)

Paper-V. (Language)

• Translation of English passage into Hindi. (30 Marks)
• Essay in Hindi on any topic out of three. (50 Marks)
• Composition (Idioms and Corrections etc.). (20 Marks)
(The standard for the language paper shall be that of Matriculation examination of the Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education)

(C) Viva- Voce (Interview)

Candidates who qualify for the Main written examination will be required to appear at such a place, as may be fixed by the Commission, for a viva-voce test. The maximum marks for the viva-voce shall be 100.
The marks obtained in the viva voice will be added to the marks obtained in the Main written examination for the purpose of selection of the candidates.

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