Bihar Civil Judge (Junior Division) Examination
Scheme of Examination
It is a three stage examination:
- Â Preliminary (Objective Type)
- Â Mains (Written Type)
- Â Personality Test (Interview)
Syllabus of Preliminary Examination
It will consist of two papers:
First Paper: General Studies (100 Marks)
General Knowledge (Including Current Affairs)
Elementary General Science
Second Paper: Law (150 Marks)Â
1.Law of Evidence and Procedure
2.Constitutional & Administrative Law of India
3.Hindu Law and Muhammadan Law
4.Law of Transfer of Property, Principles of Equity, Law of Trusts and Specific Relief
5.Law of Contracts and Torts
6.Commercial Law
2.Constitutional & Administrative Law of India
3.Hindu Law and Muhammadan Law
4.Law of Transfer of Property, Principles of Equity, Law of Trusts and Specific Relief
5.Law of Contracts and Torts
6.Commercial Law
  a.The Sale Of Goods Act 1930
  b.The Negotiable Instrument Act 1881
  c. Company Law
  d. The Indian Partnership Act 1932
Syllabus of Mains Examination
It is mainly divided into two parts:
Compulsory Papers
General Knowledge including Current Affairs (150 Marks)
Elementary General Science (100 Marks)
General Hindi (100 Marks)
General English (100 marks)
Law of Evidence and Procedure (150 Marks)
Optional Papers
Constitutional & Administrative Law of India (150 Marks)
Hindu law and Muhammadan law (150 Marks)
Law of Transfer of Property, Principles of Equity, Law of Trusts and Specific Relief (150 marks)
Law of Contracts and Torts (150 Marks)
Commercial Law (150 marks)
Out of 5 (five) Optional Papers candidate has to opt only 3 (three) papers.
Hindi Paper and English Paper are only of qualifying nature. Each candidate must score minimum of 30 marks out of 100 marks, but the marks obtained therein will not be added in the overall total in deciding the merit.
Out of 5 (five) Optional Papers candidate has to opt only 3 (three) papers.
Hindi Paper and English Paper are only of qualifying nature. Each candidate must score minimum of 30 marks out of 100 marks, but the marks obtained therein will not be added in the overall total in deciding the merit.
Viva-Voce (Interviews)
Candidates qualified in Written Examination shall appear for Viva-voce. Viva-voce (Interviews) shall be of 100 marks.
Detailed syllabus for Mains Exam
 Law of Evidence and Procedure
This paper includes following subjects-
A. The Indian Evidence Act 1872 (1 of 1872)
B. The Civil Procedure Code 1908 (5 of 1908)
C. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996
D. The Criminal Procedure Code 1973
E. The Provincial Small Cause courts Act 1887
Constitutional law of India And Administrative Law
This paper includes
A. The Government of India Act 1935
B.Indian Independence Act 1947
C. ConstitutIon of India
Administrative law will cover following topics –
 (i)   Delegated Legislation
 (ii)   Control of delegated legislation- Judicial & Legislative
 (iii)  Fair Hearing: Rules of Natural Justice: Rule Against Bias: Audi Alteram Partem)(
 (iv)  Tribunals and Quasi- Judicial Authorities: Judicial Control over them
 (v)   Regulatory Authorities
 (vi)  Judicial Review of Administrative Action
 (vii)  Writ Jurisdiction and Statutory Judicial Remedies: Scope, Extent & Distinction
 (viii) Public Interest Litigation
 (ix)  Tortious Liability of State & Compensation
 (x)   Promissory Estoppel, Legitimate Expectation & Doctrine of Proportionality
 (xi)  Government Contracts
 (xii)  Ombudsman
Hindu Law And Muslim LawÂ
 Hindu Law includes following topics
a. Sources of Hindu law
b. Different Schools of Hindu Law
c. Marriage
d. Sonship
e. Adoption
f. Joint family and joint property
g. Impartible estates
h. Debts
i. Â Alienation
j. Â Partition
k. Succession
l. Stridhan
m.Widow’s estate
n. Â Wills
o. Gifts
p. Religious and charitable endowments
 Muslim Law includes
a. Â Sources of Muslim law
b. Origin and development of different Schools
c. Â Extent of its application in India
d. Â Shariat Act, 1937
e. Â Effect of conversion to Islamic Religion
f. Â Succession and administration
g. wills
h. Hiba,Hiba–bil -Ewaz
i. Â waqf
j. Maintenance
k. Parentage legitimacy and acknowledgement
l. Guardianship