- Preliminary exam
- Mains exam
- Interview
Preliminary Examination
Preliminary exam (Screening test) shall consist of objective type questions of 100
marks, out of which 90 marks will cover
- General Knowledge,
- Aptitude,
- English,
- Constitution of India,
- Code of Civil Procedure,
- Code of Criminal Procedure,
- Indian Penal Code
- the Transfer of Property act,
- Indian Evidence Act,
- Limitation Act,
- Legal Theories of Jurisprudence,
- Arbitration & Conciliation Act,
- Indian contract Act,
- Family Law,
- specific Relief Act,
- Motor Vehicle Act,
- Industrial & Labour Law,
- Land Acquisition Act,
- Law Relating to tort,
- Indian Registration Act,
- court Fees Act
and remaining 10 mark to test the proficiency in the official Language(s) of the State of Assam.      Â
Main Written Examination.
There are four paper in the main written examination.
Paper I. –Â Â
One Paper of 100 marks (duration not less than 2 hours ) to test the general knowledge, aptitude, intelligence, test of comprehension and expression,English including Essay Writing on legal topic and information technology.
One Paper of 100 marks (duration not less than 2 hours) regarding objective
questions and problems of law as regards the Transfer of Property Act,
Civil Procedure Code,
Code of Criminal Procedure,
Indian Evidence Act,
Indian Penal Code and
Limitation Act.
One paper of 100 marks (duration not less than 2 hours) – consisting of Judgment writing (Paper Book will be supplied), Legal theories on Jurisprudence, provision of Constitution of India.
One paper of 50 marks (duration not less than one hour) to test the proficienry of the candidates in official language(s) of the State of Assam (fusamese).
NOTE: – The candidate is expected to refer to the relevant decisions of the Apex Court and the High Court while writing answers in Paper II and III.