One Liner Questions on Constitution

  1. The concept of equality and fraternity has been taken from _____ Revolution. ——-Russian
  2. Which of the following is described as the ‘Soul of the Constitution’? ——– Preamble
  3. Which one of the following is not treated as part of the Constitution? ———– Fundamental Duties
  4. Democracy of India rests on the fact that ——- People have the right to choose and change the government
  5. The word ‘Democracy’ is derived from the Greek words ————Demos and Kratos
  6. India opted for a Federal form of government because of ——- Linguistic and Regional Diversity
  7. What is the chief (ultimate) source of political power (authority) in India?———–People
  8. A Flexible Constitution ——- can be amended easily
  9. The Judiciary acts as an guardian of the Constitution in a ——– Federal government
  10. India is a Secular State because ——– It is described so in the preamble of the Constitution
  11. Our Constitution has laid emphasis on securing social, economic and political justice to all the citizens of the country. These objectives are aimed at securing a ——— Welfare State
  12. Modern States are generally considered as —– Welfare States
  13. A State which does not promote or interfere in the affairs of religion is referred to as —- Secular
  14. The Constitution is a ——- Dynamic Law 
  15. The Constitution of India provides —– Single citizenship 
  16. The Constitution provides ——— Powers, Responsibilities, Limitations
  17. The fundamental organs of the State are established by ——- Constitution 
  18. Detailed provisions regarding acquisition and termination of Indian citizenship are contained in ——– Act passed by the Parliament in 1955
  19. Which of the following is not a condition for becoming an Indian citizen? [Citizenship by]——– Acquiring property
  20. A person can lose citizenship through ——– Deprivation, Termination, and Renunciation
  21. The aims and objectives of the Constitution have been enshrined in ——– The Preamble
  22. 128. The Office of the Governor General of India was for the first time created under ——Regulating Act, 1773
  23. According to the Act of 1858, the territory was divided into ——— Provinces
  24. When did the British Crown assume sovereignty over India from East India Company?—-1858
  25. Morley-Minto Reforms were implemented by the Indian Councils Act ——- 1909
  26. Which of the following is also known as the Act of 1919? ——- Montague-Chelmsford Reform Act
  27. Under which of the following Act was Provincial Autonomy introduced in India? —— Government of India Act, 1935
  28. Who made the Constitution of India? ——- The Constituent Assembly
  29. A Constituent Assembly is convened to —— Frame the Constitution of the country
  30. The Constituent Assembly was set up to under the —- Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946
  31. Which party was not associated with the Constituent Assembly of India? —– The Communist Party
  32. The Republic of India established by the Constitution is —– Sovereign, Socialist, Secular
  33. The mind and ideals of the framers of the Constitution are reflected in the —– Preamble
  34. In our Constitution, what justice is not given to the citizens? —– Technical
  35. The present Five-year Plan (2002-2007) is ——– 11th
  36. ‘Amend’ means ——- remove the difficulties
  37. ‘Enact’ means —— pass a law
  38. Who advocated ‘Grama Swarajya’ for the growth of the villages? —– Gandhiji
  39. ‘Poornaswarajya’ was declared as the goal of the Congress on December 1929 in the ————- Lahore Session
  40. Our Constitution prohibits _____Untouchability
  41. The Constitution declared India as a Republic on __ ——- 26.01.1950
  42. Who has given the following statement: “Democracy means a Government of the people, by the people and for the people”? —— Abraham Lincoln
  43. Which one of the following features was borrowed by the framers of the Constitution from the US Constitution? ——- Removal of Judges of the Supreme Court, Judicial Review, Fundamental Rights
  44. The ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution were adopted under inspiration from —— The French Revolution
  45. _______is the chief force of political power in India. —— The People
  46. The Constitution describes the Indian Union as —– India i.e. Bharat
  47. The Constitution of India describes India as —- Union of States
  48. The two persons who played a vital role in the integration of Princely States were —–Sardar Patel and V. P. Menon
  49. The States were reorganized on linguistic basis in —- 1956
  50. Which State enjoys the distinction of being the first linguistic State of India? —– Andhra Pradesh


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