HomeConstitution of IndiaOne Liner Questions on Constitution

One Liner Questions on Constitution

  1. The Constituent Assembly elected on 11.12.1946 as its Permanent Chairman ——— Rajendra Prasad
  2. Who elected the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly? —— B. R. Ambedkar
  3. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee to prepare a Draft Constitution of India was —— B. R. Ambedkar
  4. The name of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is associated with which of the following? —– Chairman-Drafting Committee
  5. Who among the following was member of the Drafting Committee? —– —-Ambedkar, Gopalachari Ayyangar, Alladi Krishnaswami
  6. The Government of India Act 1919 introduced a system of diarchy in the provinces. ‘Diarchy’ means a system of —— ——-Double government
  7. When was the Constituent Assembly established to form the Constitution? —- 06.12.1946
  8. The Constitution of India was adopted on —— 26.11.1949
  9. The Constitution of India came into force on —— 26.01.1950
  10. The Constitution of India contains (Articles, Parts, Schedules) —— ——444, 24, 12
  11. How much time did the Constituent Assembly take to prepare the Constitution of India? —
    — ————-02Y, 11M, 18D
  12. Who had given the idea of a Constitution for India of all? —– M. N. Roy
  13. The Constitution of India is ——- written and bulky document
  14. The Constitution framed by a Committee consisting of the people representatives is called as —– Written Constitution
  15. Constitution which provides for a series of semi-autonomous states joined together as a nation is —— Federal Constitution Centralization of power is an important feature in —– Federal Constitution
  16. The Constitution which can be amended by simple act of the legislature is known as —— Flexible Constitution
  17. Which one of the following provisions of the Constitution came into force soon after its adoption on 26.11.1949? —- Provisional Parliament, Provisions relating to Citizenship, Elections
  18. India has been described under Article 1 of the Constitution as a —— Union of States
  19. The Constitution of India is —— Partly rigid and partly flexible
  20. The Constitution of India describes India as ——- A Union of States
  21. The Indian Constitution is recognized as —— Federal in form and Unitary in spirit
  22. The feature common of both Indian and American Federation is ——- Supreme Court to interpret Constitution
  23. The Indian Constitution came into force on 26.01.1950, hence this day is celebrated as —– Republic Day
  24. January 26th was selected as the date for the inauguration of the Constitution because —–
    Congress had observed it as the Independence Day in 1930
  25. 26th November, 1949 is a significant day in our constitutional history because ——— The Constitution was adopted on this day
  26. Which one of the following exercised the most profound influence on the Indian Constitution?——–The GoI Act, 1935
  27. The Parliamentary system of Government in India is based on the pattern of —– Great Britain
  28. To whom does the People of India gave the Constitution to —- Themselves
  29. The beginning word ‘WE’ in the Preamble refers to the —– Citizens of India
  30. The important test to identify the basic features of the Indian Constitution is —– Preamble
  31. The Preamble to the Constitution contain —– Fraternity, Democratic, Sovereignty
  32. India is a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic. In the Indian Constitution, this
    expression occurs in —– ——–Preamble
  33. The Preamble to the Constitution declares India as —– ——-Sovereign Socialist Secular
    Democratic Republic
  34. The Preamble of Indian Constitution has been amended so far —– ————Once
  35. The Preamble was amended by the —– ——-42nd Amendment, 1976
  36. ‘Fraternity’ means —– spirit of brotherhood
  37. The words ‘Socialist Secular’ were —- Added by the 42nd Amendment
  38. ‘Liberty’ in our Preamble does not include Freedom of —- Action
  39. Which among the following is an aid to the Statutory Interpretation? —- —–Preamble
  40. Which of the key to open the minds of the makers of the Constitution? —– Preamble If the Head of the State is an elected functionary for a fixed term, it is known as ____State. ——–Republic
  41. The Preamble to the Indian Constitution is borrowed from the ——- Objective Resolution
  42. Objective Resolution was silent as to the concept of ____ which was inserted into the Preamble by the Constituent Assembly ———-Democratic
  43. Universal Adult Franchise shows that India is a _______ country. ———– Democratic
  44. Who proposed Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution? ———— Jawaharlal Nehru
  45. India is called a ‘Republic’ because ——- The Head of the State in India (President) is an elected head for a fixed period
  46. ‘Sovereignty’ in a democracy rests with the ————- People
  47. The Preamble secures Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity to ——– All citizens
  48. The Preamble of the Constitution indicates ——- The source of the Indian Constitution
  49. It is not the objective enshrined in the Preamble. ——– Secure shelter and proper livelihood to all
  50. The idea of social, economic and political justice has been taken from _____ Revolution. —— French

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