- The Constituent Assembly elected on 11.12.1946 as its Permanent Chairman ——— Rajendra Prasad
- Who elected the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly? —— B. R. Ambedkar
- The Chairman of the Drafting Committee to prepare a Draft Constitution of India was —— B. R. Ambedkar
- The name of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is associated with which of the following? —– Chairman-Drafting Committee
- Who among the following was member of the Drafting Committee? —– —-Ambedkar, Gopalachari Ayyangar, Alladi Krishnaswami
- The Government of India Act 1919 introduced a system of diarchy in the provinces. ‘Diarchy’ means a system of —— ——-Double government
- When was the Constituent Assembly established to form the Constitution? —- 06.12.1946
- The Constitution of India was adopted on —— 26.11.1949
- The Constitution of India came into force on —— 26.01.1950
- The Constitution of India contains (Articles, Parts, Schedules) —— ——444, 24, 12
- How much time did the Constituent Assembly take to prepare the Constitution of India? —
— ————-02Y, 11M, 18D - Who had given the idea of a Constitution for India of all? —– M. N. Roy
- The Constitution of India is ——- written and bulky document
- The Constitution framed by a Committee consisting of the people representatives is called as —– Written Constitution
- Constitution which provides for a series of semi-autonomous states joined together as a nation is —— Federal Constitution Centralization of power is an important feature in —– Federal Constitution
- The Constitution which can be amended by simple act of the legislature is known as —— Flexible Constitution
- Which one of the following provisions of the Constitution came into force soon after its adoption on 26.11.1949? —- Provisional Parliament, Provisions relating to Citizenship, Elections
- India has been described under Article 1 of the Constitution as a —— Union of States
- The Constitution of India is —— Partly rigid and partly flexible
- The Constitution of India describes India as ——- A Union of States
- The Indian Constitution is recognized as —— Federal in form and Unitary in spirit
- The feature common of both Indian and American Federation is ——- Supreme Court to interpret Constitution
- The Indian Constitution came into force on 26.01.1950, hence this day is celebrated as —– Republic Day
- January 26th was selected as the date for the inauguration of the Constitution because —–
Congress had observed it as the Independence Day in 1930 - 26th November, 1949 is a significant day in our constitutional history because ——— The Constitution was adopted on this day
- Which one of the following exercised the most profound influence on the Indian Constitution?——–The GoI Act, 1935
- The Parliamentary system of Government in India is based on the pattern of —– Great Britain
- To whom does the People of India gave the Constitution to —- Themselves
- The beginning word ‘WE’ in the Preamble refers to the —– Citizens of India
- The important test to identify the basic features of the Indian Constitution is —– Preamble
- The Preamble to the Constitution contain —– Fraternity, Democratic, Sovereignty
- India is a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic. In the Indian Constitution, this
expression occurs in —– ——–Preamble - The Preamble to the Constitution declares India as —– ——-Sovereign Socialist Secular
Democratic Republic - The Preamble of Indian Constitution has been amended so far —– ————Once
- The Preamble was amended by the —– ——-42nd Amendment, 1976
- ‘Fraternity’ means —– spirit of brotherhood
- The words ‘Socialist Secular’ were —- Added by the 42nd Amendment
- ‘Liberty’ in our Preamble does not include Freedom of —- Action
- Which among the following is an aid to the Statutory Interpretation? —- —–Preamble
- Which of the key to open the minds of the makers of the Constitution? —– Preamble If the Head of the State is an elected functionary for a fixed term, it is known as ____State. ——–Republic
- The Preamble to the Indian Constitution is borrowed from the ——- Objective Resolution
- Objective Resolution was silent as to the concept of ____ which was inserted into the Preamble by the Constituent Assembly ———-Democratic
- Universal Adult Franchise shows that India is a _______ country. ———– Democratic
- Who proposed Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution? ———— Jawaharlal Nehru
- India is called a ‘Republic’ because ——- The Head of the State in India (President) is an elected head for a fixed period
- ‘Sovereignty’ in a democracy rests with the ————- People
- The Preamble secures Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity to ——– All citizens
- The Preamble of the Constitution indicates ——- The source of the Indian Constitution
- It is not the objective enshrined in the Preamble. ——– Secure shelter and proper livelihood to all
- The idea of social, economic and political justice has been taken from _____ Revolution. —— French
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