HomeConstitution of IndiaOne Liner Questions on Constitution

One Liner Questions on Constitution

  1. Who is the person fondly known as the Chief Architect of the Indian Constitution? —- Dr.B. R. Ambedkar
  2. First attempt in world to constitute a Constituent Assembly to frame a Constitution was made by —- America
  3. The first attempt by Indians to write a Constitution to India was done by a Committee headed by Motilal Nehru, which is known as —- Nehru Report
  4. The idea of the Constitution of India was flashed for the first time by —– M. N. Roy
  5. The plan of setting up of a Constituent Assembly to draw up the future Constitution for India was given by —- The Cabinet Mission Plan
  6. The members of the Constituent Assembly were —- Elected by Provincial Assemblies
  7. Which of the following word was added into the Preamble of the Constitution by the 42nd
    Amendment Act, 1976? —- Socialist
  8. From which Constitution was a concept of a 5-year plan borrowed into our Constitution? —-
    ——– USSR
  9. The procedure of Amendment to the Constitution is borrowed from the Constitution Of ——
    ———— South Africa
  10. Which country is the best example for the Federal and Unitary Governments? —- America and Britain
  11. Which of the following is not a Democratic Institution of the Rig Vedic era? —- Grama
  12. During Medieval India, which kings first established ‘Local Self Government’? —- Cholas
  13. The East India Company was established in the year —- 1600
  14. Which Charter empowered the British Governors of Presidencies to make Bye-Laws,
    Rules, Regulations in conformity with the British laws? —- Charter of 1726
  15. Who started Dual Government in Bengal? —- Robert Clive
  16. Who is the first Governor General of Bengal? —- Warren Hastings
  17. Which is the first written document in the Constitutional History of India? — The
    Regulating Act, 1773
  18. Which Act created for the first time in India ‘Government of India’? —- Charter Act of
  19. Which Act created for the first ‘The Supreme Court’? —- The Regulating Act, 1773
  20. First Law Commission was appointed in India for codification of laws under the Chairmanship of —– Lord Macaulay
  21. Which Act made the beginning of a Parliamentary System in India? —- Charter Act of 1853
  22. Under which of the following Act, the Crown of England took the affairs of the Government of India into its own hands? —– Government of India Act, 1858
  23. The Governor General of India was also the representative of British Crown to Princely States in India and hence was known as the —- ——-Viceroy of India
  24. Which Act for the first time gave an opportunity for Indians to enter into the sphere of Legislature? —– Indian Councils Act, 1861
  25. Which Act made the beginning of Electoral System in India? ————- Government of India Act, 1858
  26. Which of the following Act made the Indian Legislature Bi-cameral for the first time? —-Government of India Act, 1919
  27. The famous Dandi March laid by Gandhiji was against —————— Salt Tax
  28. Which proposal was referred as ‘Post Dated Cheque’? —– ——-The Cripps Proposal
  29. Indian National Congress started ‘Quit India Movement’ after the failure of ——— Cripps Mission
  30. Gandhiji gave a call to all Indians ‘Do or Die’, which is popularly known as ——— Quit India Movement
  31. Which Plan rejected the demand for the independent Pakistan? —– Cabinet Mission Plan
  32. Partition of British India into two independent nations India and Pakistan was done according to —– Mountbatten Plan
  33. The Federal features of the Indian Government was introduced by the —– Government of India Act, 1935
  34. Which feature was borrowed by the Indian Constitution from the British Constitution? —
  35. ———- Law making procedure, Parliamentary System of Government, Rule of law
  36. The Constitution supports —- Rule of Law
  37. In Britain, Parliament is supreme; accordingly which among the following is supreme in India? —– Constitution
  38. The Government of India Act 1935 provided for —– Establishment of Federal Court, Diarchy at Center, Provincial autonomy
  39. The Act of 1935 abolished —– Diarchy in the Provinces
  40. The Constitution of India was enacted by a Constituent Assembly set up —– Under the Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946
  41. The Constituent Assembly of India was created as per the proposal of ——— Cabinet Mission
  42. The Constituent Assembly set up under the Cabinet Mission Plan had a strength of —-389 The strength of the Constituent Assembly, after the withdrawal of the Muslim League, was reduced to — 299
  43. How many Committees were set up by the Constituent Assembly for framing of the Constitution? —- 13
  44. Who of the following acted as the Constitutional Advisor to the Constituent Assembly? —–B. N. Rau Demand for a Constitution, framed by a Constituent Assembly was made by —-Gandhiji
  45. The idea of a Constituent Assembly to frame a Constitution for India was first mooted by — — Swaraj Party in 1928
  46. Who started with presentation of the ‘Objective Resolution’ on 22.01.1947? ————- Jawaharlal Nehru
  47. When was the ‘Objective Resolution’ moved and adopted? ——————13.12.1946 and 22.01.1947
  48. The Members of the Constituent Assembly were —– Elected by Provincial Assemblies
  49. The Constituent Assembly of India held its first meeting on ———- 09.12.1946
  50. Which one of the following acted as the Provisional President of the Constituent Assembly? ———–Sachidananda Sinha

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