Meaning of ‘Sayar’

Meaning of ‘Sayar’
meaning of ‘sayar’

Meaning of ‘Sayar’ 

Section 3(20) of the UP Tenancy Act defines it. It includes whatever is to be paid out delivered by a lessee or licensee on account of right of gathering produced, forest rights, fisheries and the use of water for irrigation. Some illustration of sayar are – 

1. Tah bazari dues.

2. Rent for the occupation of Abadi land.

3. Dues for the use of water from artificial sources like tanks etc.

4. Amount payable by weavers for the looms or karghi.

5. Receipts from grain –  patches (bhar-bhuja) for the gathering of old and taken tree leaves and storing it on open land.

The definition of Sayar is also provided in UPLR Act which is slightly different from the the above. Under this act Sayar means recieotr arising from or on account of natural products excluding stones and other minerals.

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