MCQ on the Indian Evidence Act 1872


71. Contents of a document under section 59 of Evidence Act:
(a) can be proved by oral evidence
(b) cannot be proved by oral evidence
(c) may or may not be proved by oral evidence
(d) can only be proved by oral evidence under the order of the court.
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72. Contents of a document may be proved under section 61 of Evidence Act:
(a) by primary evidence
(b) by secondary evidence
(c) either by primary or by secondary evidence
(d) only by primary evidence & not by secondary evidence.
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73. Secondary evidence of a document means:
(a) copies of that document
(b) oral account of the contents of the documents
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) only (a) & not (b).
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74. Secondary evidence of a document is admissible as a substitute for:
(a) admissible primary evidence
(b) inadmissible primary evidence under certain circumstances
(c) inadmissible primary evidence under all the circumstances
(d) both (a) & (b) are correct.
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75. The circumstances under which the secondary evidence is admissible
have been enumerated in:
(a) section 63 of Evidence Act
(b) section 64 of Evidence Act
(c) section 65 of Evidence Act
(d) section 66 of Evidence Act.
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76. Secondary evidence is admissible:
(a) where the non-production of primary evidence has not been accounted for
(b) where the non-production of primary evidence has been accounted for
(c) irrespective of whether the non-production of primary evidence has been accounted
for or not
(d) both (a) & (c) are correct.
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77. Oral account of the contents of a document is admissible:
(a) when given by a person who has seen & read the document
(b) when given by a person who has seen but not read the document
(c) when given by a person to whom the document was read over
(d) when given by any of the above.
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78. A document required by law to be attested can be proved under section
68 of Evidence Act only:
(a) by calling both the attesting witnesse
(b) by calling at least one of the attesting witnesses
(c) by calling none of the attesting witnesses but by calling some other person who has
the knowledge of the contents
(d) all of the above are correct.
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79. The calling of at least one attesting witness to prove a document under
section 68 is not necessary:
(a) when the document other than a will is registered under the Indian Registration Act,1908
(b) when the document including Will is registered under the Indian Registration Act, 1908
(c) when the document irrespective of whether it is a Will, is registered under the Indian Registration Act, 1908
(d) both (b) & (c) are correct.
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80. A will is required to be proved by calling at least one attesting witness:
(a) when it is registered
(b) when it is unregistered
(c) when it is admitted
(d) all of the above.
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