HomeIndian Easement Act 1882MCQ on Indian Easement Act 1882

MCQ on Indian Easement Act 1882

  1. In the Indian Easement Act, 1882, how does an easement of necessity differ from a quasi-easement?

a) Easement of necessity is permanent, while quasi-easement is temporary
b) Easement of necessity is implied during severance of land, while quasi-easement exists only when explicitly stated
c) Quasi-easement exists before severance of ownership, while easement of necessity arises after severance
d) Easement of necessity is revocable, while quasi-easement is irrevocable

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  1. Under the Indian Easement Act, 1882, what legal remedy is available when the servient owner obstructs a prescriptive easement?

a) File for a permanent injunction
b) Demand compensation only
c) Request a temporary license
d) No remedy is available

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  1. Can an easement of necessity arise for a property that already has an alternative access route?

a) Yes, if the alternative route is inconvenient
b) No, easement of necessity applies only when there is no access at all
c) Yes, if the dominant owner desires another route
d) No, unless the servient owner consents

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  1. In what circumstances can a license become irrevocable under the Indian Easement Act, 1882?

a) When it is granted verbally
b) When the licensee has executed a work of permanent character relying on the license
c) When the servient owner sells the property
d) When the licensee decides to claim adverse possession

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  1. What does Section 13 of the Indian Easement Act, 1882, primarily deal with?

a) Easement of prescription
b) Easement of necessity and quasi-easement
c) Extinction of easements
d) Revocation of licenses

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  1. If the servient owner demolishes the property on which an easement is exercised, what is the legal status of the easement?

a) The easement is suspended temporarily
b) The easement is extinguished if the destruction is permanent
c) The easement continues regardless of the demolition
d) The dominant owner is entitled to monetary compensation

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  1. Can a dominant owner alter the mode of exercising an easement?

a) Yes, at their discretion
b) Yes, but only if it does not increase the burden on the servient tenement
c) No, any alteration is prohibited
d) Only with prior court approval

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  1. Which of the following is a key distinction between a natural right and an easement?

a) Natural rights are granted by law, while easements are granted by agreement
b) Easements are inherent to ownership, while natural rights are acquired
c) Natural rights are revocable, while easements are irrevocable
d) Natural rights can only apply to public land, while easements apply to private land

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  1. Can an easement be created by grant between co-owners of undivided property?

a) Yes, easements can exist among co-owners
b) No, easements cannot exist on undivided property
c) Only when the co-owners agree in writing
d) Only through a court order

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  1. What happens if a dominant owner uses an easement excessively, beyond what was originally intended?

a) The easement is automatically extinguished
b) The servient owner can file a suit for injunction
c) The servient owner is liable for damages
d) The dominant owner is granted additional rights

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  1. Which of the following conditions is necessary for an easement by prescription to be acquired under Section 15 of the Indian Easement Act, 1882?

a) The use must be with the servient owner’s explicit consent
b) The use must be open, continuous, and without interruption for 20 years
c) The use must be concealed to avoid disputes with the servient owner
d) The use must involve payment of a fee to the servient owner

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  1. In which situation can a quasi-easement transform into a full-fledged easement under the Indian Easement Act, 1882?

a) When the dominant tenement is sold along with the servient tenement
b) When the dominant and servient tenements are severed into different ownerships
c) When the servient owner explicitly grants a license
d) When the servient tenement is destroyed and rebuilt

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  1. If a license is granted for a particular purpose under the Indian Easement Act, 1882, what happens when the purpose is accomplished?

a) The license continues indefinitely
b) The license is automatically revoked
c) The license transforms into an easement
d) The license can be transferred to another party

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  1. Can an easement of necessity be extinguished if the dominant owner creates an alternative access route?

a) Yes, the easement is extinguished as the necessity ceases
b) No, the easement continues despite the alternative route
c) Yes, but only if the servient owner consents
d) No, easements of necessity are permanent

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  1. Which of the following conditions can prevent an easement by prescription from being established?

a) The servient owner is a minor or legally incapacitated
b) The use is peaceful and continuous for 20 years
c) The use is exclusive to the dominant owner
d) The use is visible and uninterrupted

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  1. Which section of the Indian Easement Act, 1882, governs the conditions for the transfer of easements?

a) Section 8
b) Section 15
c) Section 20
d) Section 30

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  1. How is the burden on a servient tenement regulated under the Indian Easement Act, 1882?

a) The servient owner can reduce the burden unilaterally
b) The burden cannot exceed what is necessary for the enjoyment of the dominant tenement
c) The dominant owner decides the level of burden
d) The burden on the servient tenement is fixed at the time of creation and cannot change

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  1. What happens when the dominant owner releases the right to an easement voluntarily?

a) The easement is suspended temporarily
b) The easement is extinguished permanently
c) The servient owner must pay compensation
d) The easement transfers to a new dominant tenement

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  1. Can a licensee claim an easement after prolonged use of the property under a license?

a) Yes, after 12 years of use
b) No, licenses do not create easements regardless of duration
c) Yes, if the use is uninterrupted for 20 years
d) Only if the licensor provides written consent

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  1. Which of the following situations does NOT extinguish an easement under the Indian Easement Act, 1882?

a) Permanent destruction of the servient tenement
b) Cessation of the necessity for which the easement was created
c) Merger of the dominant and servient tenements
d) Change in ownership of the servient tenement

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