MCQ on Indian Easement Act 1882

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file 6shrwsn65nfep6dtjapy7a
  1. Under the Indian Easement Act, 1882, what is an easement?

a) A right to possess a property
b) A right to use the property of another for a specific purpose
c) A right to sell the property of another
d) A right to transfer the property ownership

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  1. Which of the following is not a valid type of easement under the Indian Easement Act, 1882?

a) Easement of necessity
b) Easement of prescription
c) Easement of ownership
d) Easement of support

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  1. What is the duration required to establish a prescriptive easement under the Indian Easement Act, 1882?

a) 5 years
b) 10 years
c) 15 years
d) 20 years

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  1. Easement rights cannot be acquired by prescription over which of the following?

a) Private property
b) Public property
c) Government land
d) Religious property

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  1. What happens to an easement when the dominant and servient tenements come under a single ownership?

a) Easement is suspended temporarily
b) Easement is extinguished
c) Easement is transferred to a new owner
d) Easement continues as is

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  1. Under the Indian Easement Act, 1882, who has the right to revoke an easement?

a) Dominant owner
b) Servient owner
c) Both dominant and servient owners
d) None of the above

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  1. Which of the following is an example of an easement of necessity?

a) Right to build a house on another’s land
b) Right of way to access one’s landlocked property
c) Right to light and air
d) Right to collect firewood

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  1. Which Section of the Indian Easement Act, 1882, deals with the extinction of an easement?

a) Section 30
b) Section 41
c) Section 47
d) Section 50

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  1. What is a dominant tenement in the context of easement?

a) The property over which an easement is granted
b) The property that enjoys the benefit of the easement
c) The property owned by the government
d) The property used for public purposes

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  1. Easement of light and air can be acquired through which method?

a) Necessity
b) Agreement
c) Prescription
d) All of the above

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  1. Which of the following easements cannot be transferred under the Indian Easement Act, 1882?

a) Easement of necessity
b) Easement created by custom
c) Easement of light and air
d) None of the above

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  1. What does Section 37 of the Indian Easement Act, 1882, deal with?

a) Acquisition of easements
b) Suspension of easements
c) Extinction of easements
d) Transfer of easements

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  1. What is the difference between a continuous and discontinuous easement?

a) Continuous easement requires human intervention; discontinuous does not
b) Continuous easement operates without human intervention; discontinuous requires it
c) Both operate without human intervention
d) Both require human intervention

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  1. Which of the following is an example of a quasi-easement?

a) A person crossing another’s land without permission
b) A shared driveway used by two properties under common ownership
c) A public road used by all citizens
d) A property owner using his own land

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  1. Under the Indian Easement Act, 1882, which of the following acts can terminate an easement?

a) Non-enjoyment for a specific period
b) Permanent alteration of the dominant tenement
c) Agreement between the parties
d) All of the above

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  1. What does the term “servient tenement” refer to?

a) A property benefitting from the easement
b) A property burdened by the easement
c) A government-owned property
d) A property owned by the dominant owner

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  1. Which section of the Indian Easement Act, 1882, covers the easement of necessity?

a) Section 8
b) Section 13
c) Section 25
d) Section 30

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  1. Can an easement be granted for a specific duration under the Indian Easement Act, 1882?

a) Yes, easements can be limited by time
b) No, easements are always perpetual
c) Only for easements of prescription
d) Only for easements of necessity

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  1. Who has the burden of proving an easement of prescription?

a) The dominant owner
b) The servient owner
c) Both parties equally
d) The local authority

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  1. Under the Indian Easement Act, 1882, what is meant by a “right of way”?

a) A right to build a road on another’s property
b) A right to pass over another’s property
c) A right to park vehicles on another’s property
d) A right to cultivate another’s land

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