1. The current Lok Sabha is the…
A. 14th Lok Sabha
B. 15th Lok Sabha
C.10th LokSabha
D. 9th LokSabha
2. The members of Lok Sabha hold office for the term of
A. 4 Years
B. 3 Years
C. 5 Years
D. 2 Years
Show Answer3. The minimum age to be eligible for an election for the Lok Sabha is
A. 18
B. 25
C) 24
D. None of the above
Show Answer4. The Council of States in India is generally known as:
A. Lok Sabha
B. Vidhan Sabha
C. Rajya Sabha
D. None of the above
Show Answer5. Who Elect the members of the Rajya Sabha
A. Members of Rajya Sabha
B. Direct People of India
C. Elected members of the legislative assembly
D. All of the above are correct
Show Answer6. The members of the Rajya Sabha are chosen for the term
A. Six Years
B. Five Years
C. Two Years
D. Four Years
Show Answer7. The First Lok Sabha commenced in which year:
A. 1956
B. 1949
C. 1948
D. 1947
Show Answer8. The Lok Sabha is also known as:
A. Vidhan Sabha
B. The House of the People
C. Rajya Sabha
D. Lower House
Show Answer9. The members of Lok Sabha hold office for a term of
A. 2 Years
B. 6 Years
C. 3 Years
D. 5 Years
Show Answer10. The minimum age for a person to become a member of the Rajya Sabha is
A. 31 Years
B. 30 Years
C. 32 Years
D. 33 Years
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