Sunday, December 22, 2024

Law of Torts

Essential Elements of Tort

Following are the essentials of a tort - Act or Omission In order to make a person liable , he must have either done some...

The Nature of Tort

The term " Tort " has been derived from the Latin term " Tortum which means to twist . It means twisted , crooked...

Malicious Prosecution : Abuse of Legal Procedure

Malicious prosecution consist instituting unsuccessful criminal proceeding maliciously and without reasonable and probable cause. When malicious prosecution through criminal...

MCQ on tort 2

1. ……….. are words, which appear innocent, but have a latent defamatory meaning(a) Libel ...

MCQ on Tort

1. Easement is a right(a) in rem.(b) in personam.(c) neither (a) nor (b).(d) in rem in general but in...

Quiz on Law of Tort (Hindi) अपकृत्य विधि पर आधारित क्विज़

इस क्विज़ में अपकृत्य विधि से सम्बंधित परीक्षोपयोगी प्रश्नो को शामिल किया गया है।

General Defences in law of tort

Defence are of two types, specific and general. Specifie defences are those which are available in a particular wrong for example in wrong of defemation , the defenes of privilege, fair comment, or justification are available.           General defences are those defences which may be taken against action for number of wrongs, for example  defence of consent  may be taken an several wrongs whether it is wrong of defamation , false imprisonment  or some other wrongs.

The nature and definition of tort.

INTRODUCTIONThe word tort has been derived from the Latin term Tortum which means to twist or  crooked ....