Cr.PC One Liner Study Notes

  • The parties to any proceeding in which a commission is issued may forward any interrogatories in writing which the court or Magistrate directing the commission may think relevant to the issue, and it shall be lawful for the Magistrate to examine the witness upon such interrogatories. (Sec 287)
  • Section 288 Crpc provides that after the commission issued under section 284 has been duly exercised, it shall be returned, together with the deposition of the witness examined thereunder.
  • According to section 289 of Crpc, every case in which a commission is issued under section 284, the inquiry, trial or other proceeding may be adjourned for a specified time reasonably sufficient for the execution and the return of the commission.
  • If several persons are convicted by Judicial Magistrate 1st class for the offence of robbery, they can be charged and tried for dacoity on the same facts.
  • Section 290 provides for execution of foreign commission.
  • Section 291 talks about deposition of medical witness.
  • Section 292 talks about evidence of officers of mint.
  • Section 293 provides for report of Government Scientific Expert.
  • Where the genuineness of any document is not disputed, such document may be read in evidence without porting of the signature of the person to whom it purports to be signed. (Sec 294)
  • When any application is made to any court and allegations are made therein, respecting any public servant, the applicant may give evidence of the facts alleged in the application by the affidavit. (Sec 295)
  • The evidence of any person whose evidence is of a formal character may be given by affidavit. (Sec 296)
  • Affidavits to be used before any court under Crpc may be sworn or affirmed before any Judge or any Judicial Magistrate or any Executive Magistrate or any commissioner of Oaths or any notary. (Sec 297)
  • Provisions proving previous conviction are envisaged under section 298 of Crpc.
  • Section 299 provides that examination of witness in the absence of accused can be done.
  • A person accused of an offence before a criminal court can be called upon to give evidence on oath, on his own request in writing.
  • The General provisions as to inquiries and trials have been prescribed under chapter 24 (Sec 300-327).
  • Section 300 provides that a person once convicted or acquitted can’t be tried again for the same offence. 
  • Section 300 talks about the principles of Autrefois Convict or Double jeopardy.
  • A person acquitted or convicted of any offences msg be afterwards tried, with the consent of the State Government, for any distinct offence for which a separate charge might have been made against him at the former trial. (Sec 300(2))
  • The Public Prosecutor or Assistant Public Prosecutor in charge of a case may appear and plead without any written authority before any court in which that case is under inquiry, trial or appeal. (Sec 301)


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